
Shared focus status
Shared focus status

shared focus status

UNHCR will continue to request access to expand the implementation of quick impact projects in northern Rakhine state to create conditions conducive for sustainable return and reintegration. Progress towards the voluntary repatriation of refugees has stalled since the events of February 2021 in Myanmar. UNHCR will take a comprehensive approach to finding sustainable solutions for Rohingya refugees and advocate for sustained support to host countries until solutions are achieved. In line with the Global Compact on Refugees and Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees, UNHCR will take an inclusive and collaborative approach to leading and coordinating the inter-agency Refugee Response Plan, which aims to meet the needs of Afghans and host communities in the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan and in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in 2023. However, many challenges remain, particularly for women and girls, compounded by targeted acts of violence, economic collapse, acute food insecurity and natural disasters. In Afghanistan, improved security since the end of large-scale conflict in 2021 has allowed UNHCR to expand its presence and 60,000 refugees and 680,000 IDPs could return in 2023. In support of the Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, UNHCR will emphasize durable solutions and seek engagement by others. Significant internal displacement is expected to continue. As climate-induced disasters intensify and existing humanitarian situations reignite or remain unresolved, UNHCR will redouble its agile, adaptive and strategic efforts to protect, assist and pursue solutions for affected populations in the region in 2023. From emergencies requiring an immediate humanitarian response to contexts needing innovative longer-term and sustainable solutions, the Asia and the Pacific region presents a complex set of situations needing greater burden- and responsibility-sharing and sustained, predictable and flexible funding.

Shared focus status